365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Which witch is unforgettable?

Unforgettable / Nat King Cole

When I was twelve my girl friend and I tried a love potion. It wasn’t for either of us, we just wanted to see if it would work. We had found a “spell book,” a lame, cute thing with a purple dust jacket bought at the local bookstore. (This of course was back in the day when such things existed.) It was supposed, no doubt, to be a “novelty” item.

We read it carefully finding a “spell” whose exotic ingredients could be found. That happened to be a love spell, and that was how the decision was made. When then needed a subject. Luckily, middle school had no shortage of young women willing to feed some poor unsuspecting boy a gulp of liquid in hopes for romance.

I recall one fine spring day on the playground, book in hand, various ingredients including the exotic rose water, spread out before us and a circle of girls peering over our shoulders. My girlfriend and I measured, stirred, shrugged our shoulders and passed it off to the brave soul who was going to try it out.

She was a big girl, already taller than the rest of us and tom boyish. She’d grow up to be more so. Her love interest at the time was a small boy, who would grow up to be invisible. I remember her chasing him around the playground, but I don’t remember if he actually every drank the concoction.

Regardless, I remember he never did grow to like her. We decided that the whole thing was a hoax. And with grave disappointment, at the time I abandoned my witch interest. Until…

Three years later, we were sophomores in high school. As I walked to lunch, I could help but note several of my classmates giving me a rather wide girth. Some smirked. Some looked at me strangely. By the time I met my friend in the cafeteria I was beside myself. What on earth was going on?

She sat waiting a Cheshire cat grin across her face. Her too? When I sat, she announced with a little too much glee, that Tommy, the class clown had given quite a speech in their English class. He had announced to the world that I was a witch.

“What?” I asked as if she’d just told me she believed the world was flat.

“Oh yes. He told everyone that he’s seen your house, it’s all black, with dead things in front of it.”

“I live in an apartment house.”

“And you have a black cat that lives there with you.”

“Pets are not allowed.”

“And …” She couldn’t contain the giggle. “That he’s seen you…” More laughter, “Flying around on your broomstick at night.” She nearly feel over.

“You’ve got to be kidding.” I rested my shaking head in my hands.

“Oh it’s Tommy… consider the source.”

At that moment, one brave soul had dared to approach me, “Are you really a witch?” He asked. He was a good kid. Later he’d be arrested for going AWOL from the Army.

“Yes.” I snapped. “And if you don’t watch out, I’ll turn you into a newt.” I hissed, angry. The rest was history.

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