365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


So / Peter Gabriel

So, I fell off the wagon so to speak.  Two days of silence.  The first day I do have an excuse for:  I was sick, tired, collapased.  The second day... no excuse.  That was just depression and forgetfulness.  Today, when I realized I was two days behind, I was very tempted to just say forget it and  disappear... but... I've come so far....

June to October!

So, I beat myself up a little.  Okay a lot.  Then I said I had nothing to write about.  So this was writer's block.  And as I had to get dressed and go to work, there it was all kind of a moot point, but I was leaning to the 'yeah, let's just give up' front.

So, I'm driving to work, listening to the radio... and remember I've spoken here how the universe seems to like to communicate to me through the radio.  And as I'm driving I'm thinking about all this, and what can I write about and the projects I've thought of that I'm now saying, but I've nothing to say and chastizing myself because that's not true... and a whole series of songs comes on...

Three to be exact.  In a sequence that probably would have no meaning to anyone: The Beatles Sgt Pepper's, J.Gile's Centerfold and Nickleback's Photograph.  But for me, it was a very clear message:  Write.

So... If I have time this may be a double post day to 'catch up'...if not, I'll be back tomorrow and the day after and the day after...

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