365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lou 2

Rocky Horrow Show / Original Cast

There was no way to really know how long she remained battering around in her mind, remembering fragments of her life, her death and her undead existence. Walling in self pity, she decided she had gone to hell and cursed the unknown vampire who had convicted her to this fate.

Eventually self pity gave way to boredom. The kind of restless boredom she’d felt at a child when forced to lay in the dark yet unable to sleep. In such circumstances as a child she’d tried desperately to engage in out of body experiences. She’d concentrate on trying to leave her corporal form on the bed and wander off to the television playing in the den below. She’d never actually made it. Though she often achieved the sensation that she was levitating several feet above the floor. However, she typically felt it was not her being hovering by the ceiling but the whole bed itself and couldn’t out how to send the bed flying out of the room like some scene in Bed knobs and Broomsticks.

“Concentrate Lou.” She told herself. “Leave your body.” She giggled at herself but then turned solemn. When like the sighs, the giggle was but a thought, a movement that held no accompanying feeling whatsoever.

“Goddamn it. I’m dead.” She said. “No white light, no nothing.” Of course, she realized, maybe the white light only came to those who died once. The last time when she work from death it had taken quite a while for her to figure out her status. Since she was up and moving about, thoughts of death in the traditional sense hadn’t seemed pertinent.

“Okay, why should I let death stop me? Let’s try again, okay?”

“Sure.” She answered herself. “It’s not like we’ve got anything better to do…”

“Concentrate!” She ordered herself. “Think lite thoughts.”

Nothing, but the truth was she didn’t have anything better to do, so she kept trying.

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