365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Just like a prayer

The Immaculate Collection / Madonna

I feel I must write something, but I am, once again, brain dead and fried. I sit waiting to watch a movie I never wanted to see. Worse, I’ve seen it three times already. Tonight will be number 4. That’s a long story, that probably shouldn’t be shared. But it is a perfect ending for a bad week.

This week began with moving every piece of furniture at work. Why you ask. Rug cleaning. It looks great though. But still...

Next, I went to a professional meeting. Lots and lots of whining… until I admit. I lost it. I yelled at my colleagues. No, not figuratively. At the point when one said he was upset about a particular issue and was told there had been many, many meetings to discuss it. That those issues had been open to the public and announced and all had been invited and he added that he knew about the meetings, but wanted an invitation. I couldn’t keep quiet. An invitation?! I railed, a personal invitation for this one, that one wants a reminder e-mail for the three e-mails that she couldn’t keep track of and therefore forgot, another one wanted to be told something else…. Where was their responsibility? I demanded. Were they not professionals?

The next day, I had to “let some one go” the nice way of saying “fire.” I had no choice. I know I didn’t, but still…

And today? One of our ‘customers’ came in to say good bye as she was going to kill herself.

And now I sit, three hours after my official hours ended to watch this movie I don’t want to see. T.G.I.F.

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