365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

We are the champions / bella prequel 3

News of the World / Queen

“You always memorize your seat assignment?” Denton called after her as he dug into his pocket to check his own ticket, smiling to himself that he had called her size correctly.

“So, Delta Passenger, what do you think they want us for?” The voice was low in her ear and she could feel his breath on her neck. Denton inhaled a delightful smell of warm cotton and smiled fully for a moment, noting the way her long dark hair appeared the blue-black color of raven’s in the florescent light of the terminal. He could already imagine the flash in her eyes, as she growled, “I don’t know, Bruce,” over her shoulder. He had no idea what was attracting him to her, since she seemed surly as hell.

Kate knew the voice before glancing over her shoulder, surprised he was directly behind her. She knew he hadn’t been there a minute before. Definitely former military, Kate thought, noting that the surfer carried himself with a mix of perfect posture and beach bum ease. For the life of her, she couldn’t figure out why her heart leaped when she’d heard his voice, it may have been a while since she dated, but that was a choice. There was no reason for this, she told herself taking a deep breath to regain control.

As they approached the counter, it was clear that the upset moments before had caused a burning desire for some passengers to change their seats and a frantic re-organizing was occurring. It surprised Kate that the airline was accommodating this, on the other hand, it had been a long evening for everyone and Delta ground crew was trying desperately to keep their customers as happy as they could

Kate couldn’t have cared less where she sat, so the process was relatively quick. In no time, she had returned to an empty seat and settled her carry-on before her.

“Hey Delta, you’re not going to believe this, but,” Denton stood stiffly before her, “they’re delaying us two more hours. They’re saying they think the storm will pass and they want the plane South if they can get it.”

“You’ve got to be kid…” Kate’s voice trailed off as the flight attendants weary announcement began confirming the news.

“What do you say Delta, can I buy you dinner? A drink? Coffee?” Denton shrugged. “Anything to keep me company while I eat dinner?”

“Um…” Kate looked up at him, the turn of events somewhat unexpected. She of course should say no. A stranger asking her out in an airport? If I wasn’t attracted to him, I wouldn’t be hesitating, she thought still looking up at him blankly. I’d just go, for the company and the distraction.

“Or you can by your own dinner or drink.” Denton smirked. “I’m just hungry and we’re going to be awhile,” he checked his watch to avoid looking at her. He certainly didn’t want her to think he had a big stake in this. “I’d love the company Delta, but I understand if you…”

“Sure, Bruce. Why not?” Kate interrupted him surprising herself. She stood reaching for her bag as if her body had decided something it wanted and went into motion before her mind could alter the plan.

“Good.” He smiled at her for real for the first time.

They stood frozen, smiling, inches apart. Kate figured he was about eight inches taller than she and he was rather charming when he smiled. For a moment time stood still. There was no annoying child, no snow storm raging, no concern for future travel, only one clear thought: If this was a movie, we’d kiss, and as if each had read the other’s mind, they turned quickly looking in opposite directions each starting to question where they might find something reasonable to eat.

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