365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I have stood here before inside the pouring rain

Syncronicity / The Police

Although Leah had chained smoked her way through at least ¾ of a pack of cigarettes, she insisted on needing ‘just one more’ before we returned. She pulled into the school parking lot and I groaned.

“Why here?” Granted I did have some fond memories of the place, but it was definitely a love-hate relationship. Worse, the ghosts here were never friendly.

“What? It’s perfect. We can stop and look around and if anyone sees us, we can report back what we did.” Leah was out of the car and lighting up before I had chance to answer.

I knew her ‘just one more’ would really be three and there was no avoiding what was to come. I followed, albeit reluctantly and with clear resentment, trudging behind her up the hill and to the center of campus. They’d painted with a slightly different color and some other elements were different, but all of it too familiar. Standing where I was, I only needed to close my eyes and I was back in time… and unhappy.

The squeal of tires shot my eyes open. I could smell the burning rubber, see the bellow of smoke. I was instantly as mad as I had been years before. My eyes going not in the direction of the sound, but to the direction where then I had expected to see my car. It still wasn’t there.

I had specifically said, do not move the car. I had emphasized it, before going into the locker room to change. I knew the second I heard the sound it was my car. I had raced to the door, clothed in underwear and looked out. The car gone. I seethed.

“Did you know that Robert Randolf is in jail?” Leah’s voice dissipated the memory, but not the anger. It was as if she’d read my mind and was remember the same day.

“No. I’m a bit surprised he was pretty decent…” I turned to my right seeing the scene play out again.

“I’m sorry. I really am.” A red headed young man, in track shorts and t-shirt was apologizing to me. I looked murderous. “I didn’t mean… I really am sorry. I hope you’ll forgive me.” Robert Randolf looked almost ready to cry. I nodded, too angry to speak.

Though a part of me registered his sincerity and it struck me odd. We barely knew each other. Barely had spoken as many words to each other before that moment. No doubt, he had egged Randy on; I knew they didn’t like each other. Now I liked Robert more for that.

Randy, the boyfriend had not apologized yet. Never did, in fact. He’d grinned and laughed when I’d come out and told him to leave. Granted I had done it unceremoniously in front of everyone. As the crowd died, I had hissed that it was my school, my car and he was my guest, ergo his bad behavior would have repercussions on me. I didn’t even want to see him.

“Fine.” He’d grumbled and stormed off. The tears would come later, but I realized as I watched ghosts fade, never the apology.

“What was he arrested for?”

“Going AWOL I think.” Leah answered with a shrug.

“That’s too bad.” I sighed and truly meant it.

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