365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Desparado /bella prequel last 5

Linda Ronstadt's Greatest Hits

“I could learn to hate you.” Kate said matter-of-factly at 9:55 as they were disembarking off the plane. The flight was cancelled and there was now an irritated mad rush to reschedule and find rooms for the night.

“Do you live close enough to go home?” Denton asked casually ignoring her comment.

“No. It’s at least an hour in good weather.” They had reached the terminal again and Kate took her bag back. “I need to make some calls.” Kate glanced around the terminal assessing which task to take care of first.

Denton nodded and fell into line for rescheduling the flight. He watched Kate head for a free bank of phones until the flight attendant needed his attention. When he looked up again, she was gone. He scanned the terminal space, recognizing the other people from the flight, but couldn’t find Kate any where. Instantly annoyed that he’d managed to loose her, he headed for the rest room for a moment alone to think. The buzz around him indicated every hotel at the airport was booked solid, all other flights having been canceled earlier. A woman doesn’t just disappear, he chided himself. She wouldn’t have left, and he sincerely doubted she’d made an earlier reservation. With renewed purpose he went to look for her.

Scanning the terminal a second time, he noticed her seated on the floor in the boarding area opposite their own. She had found a spot away from others, but still clearly visible. Her head was tilted back against the glass and she looked defeated. Her dark hair faded into the darkness of the outside behind her, making her skin seem even paler in the low florescent light of that section of terminal. Denton thought she was probably one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen. Shaking the thought from his mind, he strode over to her territory.

“Hey Delta, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.” Denton dropped his carry-on into the seat facing her and stood, before her, his arms folded defiantly across his chest.

“And just where do you think I might have gone, huh Bruce? There’s no flights out before morning and no room at the inn.”

“So… you’re thinking you’re going to spend the night…here? On the floor?” Denton looked around. It appeared that that was the general plan of most of Flight 472’s passengers.

“You got a better idea?” Kate glanced up him getting exasperated. Denton paused, staring down at her. He started to speak but glanced around the terminal instead. “The terminal’s floor is better than the car.” Kate snorted. “And at least I won’t over sleep and miss the flight.”

Denton smiled as Kate gave an exasperated growl.

“Well, actually, Delta….” Denton squatted before her, resting his hands on his knees so he was not only eye level with her, but he could speak more quietly and still be heard, since the free spots of floor space near them were quickly being claimed. “I have a room.” Denton spoke quickly before Kate could interrupt. “Here me out. You’re welcome to share the room with me. Best case there’s two beds or a chair or something, but worse case, the floor has a bit more privacy and it comes with a private bath and shower.”

“You have a room?” Kate leaned forward, the surprise overwhelming her.

“Yeah, I made the reservation around 4 when they posted the first delay.”

“You…?” Kate shook her head and laughed as Denton stood easily before her and offered her his hand to help her up.

“What’d you say Delta? I hope you realize this is a very special offer.” Denton pulled her to her feet easily.

“I ... I don’t…” Kate shook her head, “Thank you, but…”

Denton grinned at the deep blush that colored Kate’s face and the endearing way she was avoiding looking at him, though they were only a foot apart. He hadn’t really thought she liked him. It was probably not the right time to tell her she was cute, he decided.

“No strings, Delta. And if it’s a choice, I’ll let you have the floor or the bathtub or whatever you want.”

Kate paused and risked looking into Denton’s eyes. She felt heat rising through her body and glanced away quickly, to see several passengers relocate as the little boy appeared to be waking.

“The offer stands, Delta. I personally think it’s the best offer you’re going to get, but it is a limited time offer. Are you going to come with me or stay here?” Denton forced his voice to be as neutral as possible and to stare straight at her. He realized for a smart woman, what he was offering would seem unwise, if not outright dangerous, ludicrous, and stupid. If she was his sister or girlfriend he’d give her holy hell for even hesitating to think about it. He also knew there was probably information that if disclosed would make her feel better, but he really didn’t want to do that. If she decided to stay, he would stay with her, but he sure hoped she would make the choice of comfort. She turned to stare back, searching his face for some sign of trustworthiness or not.

“Looook! It’s still snowing!” The little boy’s voice reverberated even more in the nearly empty airport.

“I just want you to know, I do know self defense and I am not afraid to hurt you. Badly.” Kate’s voice was steady and she met Denton’s gaze firmly.

“I’ve no doubt of that, m’am.” Denton answered honestly.

Kate nodded and reached for her bag.

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