365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Boy names goo / Bella 10

A boy named goo / Goo Goo Dolls

They had not yet made it to the dinner, but instead were a few doors down on the street corner. The shops long closed and almost no one was around the downtown area. Kate was sitting on the doorstep of a closed curiosity shop. The junk in the window staring down at her as she held her head between her knees and took deep breaths. Denton stood before her, his arms finally folded across his chest as each time he’d gone to reach for the woman he’d made her outburst worse. He was a normally patient man, and so he stood, waiting for her to calm so that their conversation might continue.

“Sorry.” She said meekly, finally looking up at him, her face tear streaked.

“Can we talk now?” He asked, moving to sit next to her on the step.

Kate shifted slightly to make room, but was still painfully aware of his proximity and the way their legs and arms threatened to touch. She nodded.

“Okay. First. Technically, I am not the one that arrested your brother, nor would I have anything to do with…sentencing. I don’t think he murdered the girl and I am hoping to prove that. I am hoping that you will help to convince him to help me. But all of that is merely a …complicating issue. I think you know me pretty well. I think I know you. I would very much like to get to know you more…” He could feel Kate tensing the more he went on and realized quickly that he had best change this path or things were going to rapidly deteriorate, and there was little further down they could go.

“Okay, let’s try this again…. I know that … we… that this is probably backwards, but… I would love to get to know you, would you come for coffee with me. Just to talk, then I’ll walk you back to the hotel or call you cab, which ever you prefer and I’ll see you tomorrow.” He spoke carefully trying to in one way or another cover the paths he suspected she was thinking. It was like tracking an escaped prisoner. He was trying to second guess which way she might run and head it off.

She looked at him a long moment, clearly debating and unsure. Denton was sure she was going to say no.

“Okay.” She said seeming to surprise herself as well. “Do I look awful?” She asked, looking up in the twilight.

“You look great.” Denton grinned and had never mean anything more so.

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