365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Saffire The Uppity Blues Women

I am at war with a janitor. Like all wars, it is ridiculous. I didn’t start this war, but like all participants in a war, I do want to win. The war, also like many, is by product of the current economic situation.

It began when due to budget the part time cleaning person was “let go” and as a result the manager was given extra hours and assigned cleaning duties. He doesn’t like cleaning. Who does? He wants to do IT work.

So some deal was made in town that said on some days he was going to be cleaning, on other days he would be managing the dump, I mean ‘transfer station.’ And when there was an IT problem, he’d do IT work. The problem is, he doesn’t like cleaning.

So he didn’t do it.

I complained. It had little effect. I complained some more. He explained there was only one of him, and other duties took priority. I understood, but still complained more. Then I asked for money to hire a cleaner and said I thought it was ridiculous to pay someone for a job they didn’t do and pay another so the work got done.

There were meetings. There were notes and documentation of meetings. There were more meetings. Most of them involved me saying, I just want someone to vacuum, clean the restrooms and empty the trash. All of the trash cans, not one a day. And as we have two year olds crawling on the floor and 200 people a day, I’d like this done on  the four days a week out of 6 that we are open. (I didn’t think I was asking for much.)

After more meetings, it was decided that not only could my request be met, but that more could be and was offered. Then the trouble began...

Things not done. Trash cans knocked over. Chairs left on top of tables, because vacuuming had to be done. Chairs left in doorways, so entrance was blocked....
Today, puddles of disinfectant were left on top of a laminate bookcase. The highlight, though, was watching his boss come to see it. Look up to the roof for the leak, there was none. Then bend down to sniff and ask, “What IS that?” As I said, pine sol… and pointed out that the porcelain of the rest room was also wet, but not flooded.

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