365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Keep on Loving you / Reba

“That was way too quick for a Jack Hernandez good night.” Lead teased when Jack returned. “I can take the car, you could stay here…”

“It’s fine.” Jack interrupted tersely.

“I’m just saying, knowing you…”

“Gez Thom …” Jack began. “I’ll make you a deal. I won’t push you about you’re lack of a love life if you don’t tease me about mine. Deal?”

“Sure.” Lead laughed. “You must really like her to be this sensitive.”

“I do.” Jack answered shortly.

“I like her too, bro. You might have actually done good this time.”

“Glad you approve.” Jack answered snidely, though his smile clearly indicated he was pleased with his brother’s blessing.

Ally, Jack and Lead spent a relaxing Saturday touring Boston’s museums and restaurants with only a slight bit of bickering. Arriving at the end of the day at a small seafood restaurant by the harbor run by Hernandez family friends, to find owners Sophie and Manual’s closed with a sign indicating they were on vacation. The original plan afoul, none of them were too enthusiastic about a night on the town. The three ended up at Jack’s apartment with take out and a movie.

“Jack did so much with this place.” Lead joked as they entered the large two story brownstone that was Jack’s home. “He removed all the furniture…” Ally giggled.

“Hey, I didn’t remove the furniture. I didn’t inherit the furniture and as I recall, half of it is with you.” Jack called out from the kitchen where he was taking out plates.

“This is true.” Lead conceded to Ally in a whisper as he stood in the large living room empty aside from the stereo system, cd cabinet and standing lamp. “It’s a shame you never saw the place when our aunt owned it. It was quite impressive.”

“It’s still quite impressive.” Ally laughed glancing around, thinking for the hundredth time that her entire apartment would fit on the first floor of Jack’s place, never mind the hardwood floors and crown modeling. “I don’t understand why none of you wanted it but Jack.”

“Far a field for any of us.” Lead shrugged. “Jack’s the only one that had any real attachment to Boston. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a nice city, but… the whole New England thing…” Lead shook his head. “Jack always liked that Norman Rockwell image.”

Ally nodded knowing exactly to what Lead was referring. Jack had an unshakable idealistic view of perfect New England towns, with colonial houses, white picket fences and roasted turkey on the table as happy families sat down for grace.

“That’s a sincere scowl.” Lead laughed shaking Ally from the image in her mind.

“I don’t share Jack’s …idealism.” Ally smiled and shrugged.

“Hmmph.” Lead’s brow furrowed as he stared at Ally. It was not the first time that day that her comments had surprised him.

“You guys want to eat and watch a movie?” Jack called from the kitchen interrupting them before either could say anything more.

“Ah… and there is reason number 408 why staying here is not a pleasure.” Lead said quietly to Al, who smiled and followed Lead into the dinning room that currently served as television room.

The room was empty aside from a large screen television, dvd player, the matching floor lamp from the living room and a couple of dozen pillows. The dvd was on pause and Jack was entering from the kitchen with a plate of food in hand.

“And you want to know why I wouldn’t want to stay here?” Lead grumbled, arranging against the wall his share of the large pillows that served as a sofa. “If you got real furniture, you might even think about having it in the living room.” Lead tossed his head toward the large empty room to his right.

“You get used to it.” Jack shrugged and folded himself down to the floor. “No. You don’t.” Ally said flatly entering the kitchen to get food.

“Al never complains.”

“He means he never listens to Ally’s complaining.” She stuck her head back into the room and snorted.

“I listen. You never complain.” Jack yelled into her. “She never complains.” Jack looked up at Lead who was standing before him.

“Somehow… I can’t believe that.” Lead shook his head grinning over Jack, his hands on his hips.

“He just said he thinks you complain.” Jack teased Ally who had entered the room and was folding herself on to the floor.

“Hey, I said, I didn’t think Ally didn’t complain about a lack of sofa.” Lead qualified quickly as Ally rolled her eyes ignoring both men.

“That’s ok… in a day you’ll be living in the lap of luxury, teaching at Quincy Academy and you’ll forget all about your poor baby brother...” Jack sat arranging his own pillows, completely oblivious to Lead’s wince as he mentioned the school.

“I’m going to get food.” Lead turned abruptly heading toward the kitchen.

Jack scowled as Ally glanced between Jack and at Lead’s back as he entered the large kitchen. She shook her head, and tossed her head toward the kitchen. Jack looked to the door and back at Ally, who tipped her head sideways.

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