365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

OP 7

Monster is Loose / Meat Loaf

For a change it was a warm Fall day, with the sun bright in the sky and the leaves glimmering yellow, orange and red. Ally, Jack and Lead had taken Ally’s car, though all agreed it was a shame they couldn’t all fit in Jack’s Miata.

“Ya know, little brother. I think you need to grow up and get a car that can seat more than two.” Lead had teased when Ally arrived the next morning to pick them up.

“And furniture.” Ally added glancing from the driver’s seat in her rearview mirror at Jack who had been forced to sit in the back.

“Any thing else?” He asked back meeting her eyes in the mirror.

“Probably.” She grinned. “I’ll get back to you.”

Taking a slight detour for a diner where the three ate breakfast, they arrived at the school late morning. Lead had a campus map the school had sent in preparations for the visit with significant locations marked: his house, the lab, the dinning hall. According to the map, the lower and middle schools sat in two buildings on the far side of campus from the direction they had approached. Ally parked on the outskirts just after seeing the large sign announcing the school. The three emerged from the car by a large red sign indicating Administrative Offices in gold letters. Behind it was a large Victorian house, painted lavender with blue trim.

“Nice house.” Ally noted the wooden porch swing and finely landscaped walkway.

“Eh.” Jack shrugged and looked around trying to decide which way to head. “If this is Admin, that’s probably a main classroom building for Upper School.” Jack pointed across the street and up a steep grassy hill to a large rectangular building the center of which supported a clock tower and spire. Without hesitation Jack headed in that general direction. Lead checked the map.

“Hate it when he’s right.” He commented quietly to Ally and followed his brother, leaving Ally to trail behind both men.

At the top of the Hill the campus became slightly more condensed. The large classroom building opened to a small grassy quad. On the right was a parking lot. Trees and houses lined each side of the street further up. A few students sat on the grass and the steps of buildings.

“That’s probably your science building.” Jack pointed at a glass and steel structure across the quad from the classroom building. He led them onto the leaves and grass of the quad. “There’s an art building, behind those houses.” He pointed to a building that looked like it had been poured from concrete. “That’s the Library.” He pointed to the other end of the quad where another modern looking structure of wood and glass sat. “Athletics and performing arts are probably further down over the hill.” Ally looked at Lead who had been following Jack with his map. He nodded at her behind his brother’s back and Jack continued. “The houses back on the street are probably dorms and faculty housing.”

“Wow.” Ally looked around at the brick, ivy, glass and steel that surrounded her.

“Amazing.” Lead looked at Jack. “Are you sure you’ve never been here before?”

“Pretty standard issue.” Jack shrugged. “Let’s see if we can get into the science building. They’re tougher than art, but not usually impossible.” He turned with purpose.

“Did you go to boarding school?” Lead fell into step with Ally as they trailed behind Jack.

“No.” Ally had folded her arms across her chest and was looking around rather astonished as she followed.

“Me either.” Lead sighed, running a head through his hair.

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