365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Girls just want to have fun

She's So Unusual / Cyndi Lauper

The idea of running away and having an adventure had been very appealing. And at first it was just like she expected. The windows down, the wind blowing her hair about as the car sped down the interstate. Even the radio was playing good songs. But after a couple of hours the thrill was wearing off.

Now it with the sun setting, sitting in the tiny motel room, none of it seemed as worldly. It should have though, she thought. Every day one rode in the car, but it was special to be in the motel.

She looked around the little room. It was bigger than her one at home,, which was sad if she thought about it. The room was maybe 9 X9 square. A shot gun room, her gran would have said, as it had one small window in the front next to the door and another identical one parallel in the back. In between was one chair, one night stand, one bed and a door for the bath. It took up the whole wall. A tv was hanging up in the air in the corner, it would fit any where else. Still, it was cozy. And most important it was clean.

For a while she wondered about who had stayed in this room before. Traveling salesmen? Newly weds? She didn’t think families, too small. Those thoughts though quickly turned back to the cleaning and things she didn’t want to think about it.

With a sigh she forced herself to lay down, close her eyes. In a moment she was asleep.

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