365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nothing OC here

So,  for the last two days traveling, I thought I could get Blogger to just post pre scheduled entries.  It did yesterday apparently, but not the day before.  Weird.  So, today, I posted the day before's, but got to thinking...  that makes the numbers of 1 post per day day off.  Nothing I can do about the dates, really, but at least my numbers should be right. (Okay, there is a little obsessiveness in that, but wouldn't one have to be a little obessive to be doing this at all?)  So, I've decided to post what I was going to post today too, so that the number of posts will be correct...

Now I'll just go off to wash my hands and touch things in sequence... (just kidding.)

Traveling is a funny thing. When I’m preparing to go, there is always a bit of nervousness: about the trip itself and what one will find at their destination. Then, when you’re there, there is usually a mixed reaction. On the one hand, its different and unusual – places to see, foods to eat, accents, expressions, in a word culture. At the same time, I am often struck more by the similarities. Can we travel anywhere in the world today and not see McDonalds? KFC? Walmart? I’m saddened by this.

This is usually followed by a complete sense of awe at just how many people are there are in the world. Go anywhere and you seen tons of them. Way too many to count. Think about every car in a parking lot or highway as at least one human and the quantity gets mind boggling.

Inevitably when traveling I reach the point where I’ve had enough. I just want to go home. This too is a funny thing. First, there is the timing issue. To time it right that that ‘I want to go home’ feeling coincides with actually going home is important. Staying too long or not long enough is hard. But no matter what, I find even when I want to be home, the timing is right, once I am home, I’m lost.

It’s not that I want to do anything I don’t. I’m usually dead tired. Yesterday, coming home I eventually gave in, went to lay down for a ‘little nap’ and got up 17 hours later. But I also don’t feel right doing nothing. It’s quite the predicament.

So, I’m spending today in this state of limbo.

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