365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday

Bangles Greatest Hits

Okay, it's not Monday, but it's been a week full of Mondays.  So much so, that when I woke this morning, I thought it was Friday.  Then had no idea where in time I was.  Further, for the past 31 days I've done the same thing.  Got up - posted this blog.  Today... I forgot. 

Not completely forgot, because here I am, but still.  And here I was being so proud of myself.  Humph.

In my defense, last week was a bad week.  One blog, short story worthy high light...

You heard about the war with the janitor.  Well, that's resolved - it has been unanimously decided we will hire someone else. This is good and bad, but a completely different story.

Anyway, after the puddle on the bookcase incident mentioned earlier, it was said that this had occured because of mouse droppings.  Well, yeah - we have a lot of mice and they do...drop a lot.  That particular area is prime mouse territory.  That is the exact spot where we trap them.

Now, as another aside - let me tell all the world here and now - those nice humane, trap them and let them go things?  They don't work.  The things you plug in and supposedly emit sounds that only mice hear?  They don't work.  The mice walk in but can't get out?  They don't work. You see the picture.

So, under duress and protest, I was forced to give in and gotten the awful, gross, disqusting slam shut traps.  Worse, I like the mice.  I'd just clean up after them and as long as they weren't causing damage, and pretend they were pets.  I am very much alone in this.  So, we get the traps. They are effective and guess who always has to throw out the "used" traps?  Exactly.

So... when it was announced that the puddle on the bookcase was because of mouse droppings, I was not impressed.  Three years and this spot has never been cleaned by anyone but us.  Three years  now, it's after the cleaners leave, I clean the mouse dropping.  Three years, I'm the one thats been throwing out dead mice....

Anyway...while all this is being "discussed" guess who comes in asking for me?  The Department of Public Health.  I walked out to greet them thinking, 'how did THEY find out about the mice?'

But as it turned out, they came about a different issue. Thankfully one that was NOT my problem.... then the light switch broke...

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