365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

OP 8

Nine Objects of Desire / Suzanne Vega

Without expectation, Jack had walked up to the main door of the science building and gave the glass a brief tug. Much to his surprise the door opened with easy and he glanced back at his companions smiling.

“This door wouldn’t have been open in Southern California.” He laughed. “You know where you’re lab is?” He asked holding the door open as the other two caught up.

“The basement.” Lead laughed. “It’s always in the basement.”

This time Lead took the lead down a flight of stairs into a well-lit hallway, spotted with wooden doors. Although it was cinderblock construction, it held none of the institutional feel Ally associated with education. The walls were painted a clean white, marked occasionally with bulletin boards advertising adventures first in chemistry and then biology as they move to the far end of the building.

“We’re looking for Room 21.” Lead said looking for room numbers. “Here we go.” He stopped in front of the last wooden door in the hallway. He tried the door but it was locked. Peering in through the slat window, it looked like any animal lab he’d ever been in. “That doesn’t look so bad.” He shrugged, stepping aside to let the others look.

“It looks like a lab.” Jack laughed.

It didn’t look like any lab, it looked like a lab Ally had seen in college once when lost, but she refrained from comment. Simply from walking through what little of the campus she had, she was pretty sure, this was like no grade school experience she’d ever had.

“Shall we find you’re house?” Jack shrugged.

“Ok.” Lead looked at little overwhelmed, but also a little less scared as he pulled out his map and conferred with Jack.

Ally read the bulletin board advertising a program in which a junior or senior might spend a semester in the Caribbean. In a second they were climbing the stairs nearest them to exit at the far end of the building from where they had entered.

“I’m thinking I can build a temporary habitat on that far wall.” Lead started a conversation with Jack that quickly turned to a discussion of wood, Plexiglas, and building techniques that Ally tuned out. Back outside it took Ally a second to realize the music she was hearing was not a recording, but a performance group in rehearsal.

“Hey they’re pretty good.” Jack said to her tossing his head in the direction of where “Let the River Run” was being sung strong and clear. “Better than ours.” Ally nodded not at all sure what to say. Her school’s glee club had never been mistaken for a recording.

Walking down another heavily tree lined side street they emerged back out on the road they had walked up a short time before. They started to walk down the other side of the hill. Now paying more attention, Ally noted the various decorations on some of the houses clearly indicating student housing. Still she had never even seen sorority houses appear so neat.

“My guess would be that these are Junior’s housing. Freshmen are usually put off by the library and seniors by gym.” Jack glanced at the houses noting the décor as Ally had.

“Do we ask why?” Lead glanced at his brother as they made their way further down the hill.

“Try to keep the freshman near the academics and close to campus. Sophomores can be further away, they’re cocky and know what they’re doing. Seniors are noisy. Juniors are ok, they’re the best company for faculty.” Jack smiled.

“Actually, I understand, they have a lot of day students. Most in fact and that even the borders often go home for the weekend. It’s one of the “issues” they’re dealing with.” Lead glanced back at his brother.

“Makes sense. It’s pretty quiet here, even for a Sunday.” Jack nodded back.

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