365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

OP 4

My December / Kelly Clarkson

“Al’s quite fond of zoos.” Jack laughed as Ally blushed.

“Among other places.” She quipped back, though it was clear she had understood Jack had teased her with fondness.

“Hey, some zoos are quite nice.” Lead winked at Ally, who smiled busying herself with her food, marveling again at the family resemblance and wondering if others saw such resemblance between her and her brother, Scott.

“So, you guys have the weekend off? I thought Secret Agents like you worked 24-7,” Lead laughed.

“Sometimes.” Jack spoke, but both he and Ally nodded. “Though even law enforcement can have some down time.”

“So who’s out protecting us from evil?” Lead smirked.

“Other superheroes.” Ally smiled. “We don’t go back till Monday, so let’s

not think about that, okay?”

“Okay.” Lead sighed, “I just don’t want to feel like the world is unsafe on account of me or anything.”

“Actually the world is unsafe because our partner Harry had a wedding to go to.” Ally shrugged, helping herself to another plate.

“I thought you two were partners?” Lead glanced at his brother.

“We’re triplets these days. It’s been…how long you figure?” Jack glanced to Ally.

“It’s been about a month. Maybe a month and half.” Ally shrugged as Jack checked the date on his watch, it was October 11. “Since September something.” Ally smiled at Jack. “I know it feels longer.”

“That’s a good thing.” Jack playfully pushed her shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah.” Ally answered teasing him.

Lead smiled and relaxed watching the exchange. He’d spent his entire family life being teased for being shy with women, while Jack made up for his lost time. However, as Lead watched Jack and Ally over dinner, he felt a pang of jealousy. They appeared far more like an elderly married couple, intuitively aware of each other rather than the ‘we’re working things out’ kind of couple Jack had described.

“So, what do you want to do tomorrow?” Jack asked his brother.

“Sleep in.” Lead laughed immediately. “But then I really want to go to the Aquarium. You two up for it?”

“Well, I don’t know about him, but I’d love to! I love the Aquarium.” Ally answered without looking up from her plate. Again Lead and Jack smiled as their eyes met across the table.

“Well, I’m not letting you two alone together, so I guess it’s the Aquarium.” Jack pushed aside his plate as Ally glanced at him to check that he was teasing. “Which reminds me,” Jack continued with the barest trace of a smile, “Since you’re in town, we know some really nice women, who I’m…”

“No.” Lead interrupted.

“I was not a party to this.” Ally said to Lead quietly, sensing the tension rising again.

“This is an old argument, Ally. My brother is under the mistaken impression I need his assistance to find a date.”

“When is the last time you went out? With a woman, for fun.” Jack persisted.

“None of your damn business.”

“Is there some poor gal, pining away down under that you’re not talking about?”

“Jack…” Lead’s voice held warning and his brother sighed.

“Fine. But if...”

“No.” Lead’s voice still held the warning as Jack shrugged and reached for the check. “So, when was the last time you were at the Aquarium?” Lead smiled, turning to Ally clearly changing the topic.

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