365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Yes I Am / Melissa Etheridge

“Hey?” Jack called to Lead who was spilling more food on the counter than was making the plate.

“Sorry, I’m making a mess here, but I’ll get it.”

“I’m not worried. Al thinks I should talk to you.”

“Oh yeah? About what?”

“I don’t know.” Jack leaned against the counter, crossing his arms and legs before him. “Give me a clue. I know, you know, I’m just teasing you.” Lead nodded. “So what’s she noticing that I’m not?” Jack smiled.

“Who says she is?” Lead smiled back.

“Nah. She’s good. I trust her. If she thinks we need to talk. We do. I just don’t know what about, yet.” Jack squinted at Lead as if he could discern what Ally was referring to by studying the man before him.

Lead snorted, glancing toward the dinning room then back at Jack. He ripped off some paper towel and started wiping the counter.

“It doesn’t bother you that your girlfriend might be reading your brother better than you?” Lead taunted.

Jack smiled. Given Lead’s response, he knew Ally was right, something was bothering his brother, even if he wasn’t seeing what.

“Not when she’s right.” Jack shrugged not biting. “I’m glad of it actually.” Lead sighed heavily, as Jack continued. “So…? What’s up?”

“A school Jack? What was I thinking? What do I know about kids? What if…” Lead shook his head. “I’m really uptight about it.”

“You’ll be fine. You’re good with kids. The nieces and nephews adore you…”

“They adore all of us. They adore you. You ready to go off to a school?” Lead interrupted and Jack offered a conciliatory shrug.

“You said you weren’t teaching right? So you work with the little critters and you have really short helpers.” Jack grinned as Lead started to laugh. “You live and breathe for those little animals; you could talk about them in your sleep. In fact, you probably do.” Jack laughed.

“You’re no help.” Lead snorted, but was laughing.

“You’ll be fine. You always are. Didn’t you lecture at the university a few times?” Jack asked as his brother fussed with the plate before him.

“Yeah. A couple, but that’s different.”


“College is adults. These are … kids.”

“Do you remember being a kid?” Jack sighed.

“Kind of.”

“Do you remember ever thinking you were a kid?”


“So, you just treat these kids like any one else. It’ll be fine.” Jack met Leads eyes. “Just don’t use big words.” A slow grin came to both men.

“Well I’ve been talking with you all weekend, so I should be primed.” Lead laughed.

“That’s the spirit.” Jack laughed following his brother back into the dinning room. “Thank you.” He whispered to Ally as he settled himself in next to her on the floor.

“Hey guys, you willing to take a ride out to this school tomorrow and check out the place before my official arrival?” Lead asked glancing nervously between Jack and Ally.

“Sure.” They answered in unison without so much as a glance between them. Lead was impressed.

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