365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Stray cat strut

Runaway boys / Stray Cats

P and I were discussing cats today day. How there are all kinds. Some choose you. Lulu chose me, there is no question about that. P told me of her kitty, Celia who chose her. It was a very similar story.

Celia was a cat who would follow her, sit with her, come when called. One particularly endearing trait was at bed time, Celia would curl up in the crook of P’s arm. Facing each other, Celia would purr and knead her side.

Celia had a sense of things too, P explained. She would come and curl in when P was sick. She behaved when P was tired and stressed. By our conversation, Celia had passed away, but she had been a wonderful little friend.

When Celia was a teenager, P developed a health problem. Her glands swelled and became sensitive, particularly in that delicate underarm area that Celia liked to knead. Initially they thought it was some kind of virus or infection, but when the antibiotics didn’t work they started to wonder. Finally the doctor’s told P that she had to go in for a biopsy, they were sure sh she had cancer. She was upset and Celia didn’t leave her side.

After the procedure, braced for the worst – the doctors told her, she was going to be fine. The problem was cat scratch fever from Celia’s kneading. The right drugs and all was well.

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