365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rockabye Baby

Rockabye Baby / Lullaby renditions of the Rolling Stones

One of my first memories is standing in my crib. The sides came to my chin and I had to pull myself up. In later years I’d imagine the view from a reclined position in my crib to be the same as from any jail cell and blame that for an adolescence filled with delinquency.

But at what must have been about six months of consciousness, I didn’t think these things. Instead I remember thinking the situation troublesome. I was bored.

From my standing position looking in one direction I had a good view to the outside. A gorgeous day was framed by the window. Blue sky. My memory thinks it looks cold. In the other direction I remember seeing the sleeping forms of my parents. I remember thinking a good scream would change the situation, but I refrained. I remember also thinking that with some effort I might pull myself up and over the sides of the bars that kept me trapped, but there was no point. I had no where to go.

Instead, I released my grip and allowed gravity to give me the ride down to first a seated then prone position. I would watch the parade of circus characters who marched across the pink background on my wall. I particularly liked the ringmaster for he had the most magnificent of hats. Like a majorettes. There was a seal too, who balanced a ball on his nose and I think maybe an elephant too.

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