365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Used to Love her

Lies / Guns n' Roses

I've a definate love/hate relationship with this music... which is very possibly it's intent.

“That’s a very good question…” The speaker smiled at the young woman sitting midway through the audience, and began a long involved answer. It wasn’t a good question though. It was trite and predictable. Expected. Easily anticipated and the answer just as predictable. The speaker had smiled though, and droned on.

Later, after the presentation the young woman had dawdled a bit and the speaker took the opportunity to ask her if she had a moment. For a famous author of course she did. When the crowd started to die, he chatted with her, about his book, her own work and interest. “Fascinating…” he’d commented.

The event finally ended and everyone went home to their beds safe and sound. Except the author of course, he went to his hotel room, chatted with the desk clerk and up to his room.

The next morning he chatted with a new desk clerk as he checked out and got to his car. He called on his cell phone to his assistant. She was waiting at the next venue and had her check in. He would be arriving later that evening.

Then he waited. First in a coffee shop. Then in a book store. His purchases only in cash. He sat in his car for long time, reading and finally watched the young woman as she left her menial job. Her mind was else where, it was easy to follow her home, drive off to another secluded spot and continue reading.

When the sun finally set he ambled his way back to her neighborhood, parking in front of a few houses down. No one noticed as he got out of his car nor when he ducked into the bushes between her house. Peering into the window, he noted she was alone as he knew she would be.

Brazenly he approached her front door, ringing the doorbell with his gloved hand. She was a bit surprised when he answered, but he was so charming. He apologized for bothering her, explained how he had looked her up ‘online’ by her name given so freely the night before. He’d been thinking about her all day. True. He hoped they could get to know each other better. Also true. There was no hesitation when she invited him in, thrilled and honored by his presence.

The house showed no sign of struggle. The police concluded she had known her attacker and began to question her friends and relatives.

If nearly 1/3 of the women killed in the U.S. die at the hands of someone they know, that means 2/3's do not.

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