365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

all my life is just dispare / Bel 4

The Quintessential Billie Holiday

She was pacing when the door open and Jake entered. He paused in the door way. She froze her movement. There eyes locked.

He looked sad, worn down and beaten. It was not a look she’d ever seen on her brother’s face, ever, and it sent a chill down her spine. After a moment, Jake smiled and shook his head. But it the smile never reached his eyes.

Katherine fought the urge to snort and fold her arms over her chest. That was what she always did, but this was not the same as always. The officer who had led him, left the room closing the door behind. The two stood in silence.

Jake spoke first. He could never stand silence.

“What are you doing here, sis?” Katherine swallowed. ‘sis’. Another oddity. Her brother had not called her that in more years than she could remember. “I didn’t call.”

“Pete called. He was worried.”

“Pete worries to much.” He scoffed. “I’m fine. See.” He held out his arms as much as the restraints would allow. “You can go home. I’ll be fine.”

“Murder one?” She couldn’t keep the hard edge from her voice, her arms folded. She was getting annoyed, though her anger was as much upset with the situation than true irritation at him.

“It’ll be fine, Bel. Just go home.” He turned, knocking on the door to get the officers attention.

“Pete said you were refusing a lawyer.” The sentence hung in the air as if physical.

“Pete talks too much.” Jake growled at the door opened and the officer gave a pleading glance at Katherine that she didn’t fully understand. “Take me back.” Jake growled.

“No! Wait. Jake?”

“I’ve nothing to talk about.”

“What happened?”


“Tell me.”


“You are a lot of things and right now a major pain in the ass, but you are not a murderer.” Katherine’s voice cracked and she looked away from her brother to note the officer had been following the volley. She glared at him.

“Just go Bella. Take me back.”

The officer sighed and gave an apologetic look to Katherine. He was about to led the defeated man away when another approached.

“Chief’s coming. Wants to talk to both of them.” The newly arrived officer shrugged his eyes too volleying between brother and sister.

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