365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


A Knight's Tale

Okay, it's kind of campy, and silly and has anachronisms, but I love this movie. I’ve seen it a trillion times. I’m not exactly sure why I like it so much. I mean, yes, I like the idea of knights and tournaments and all that, but not that much. And I actually think the lead female (Joycelyn) is kind of…snotty. And all the other women prettier, and still I love this movie.

So today I worked, again, despite it’s a Saturday And yet, again, I am brain dead and have nothing to say. I almost didn’t write. I mean, which is worse? To write with nothing to say or to not write anything? Clearly I came up with a decision.

And yes, this is another decision based more on compulsiveness than rationality. As I decided I didn’t want to skip a day. It didn’t matter that I am rambling. So… I sit, watching A Knight’s Tale and thought hey…. And I do have the album. Because I thought the album would have the music from the movie. It doesn’t exactly, but that’s another issue.

So today I'd rather be a silly girl with a flower than a silly boy with a horse and a stick.  Which actually is odd, because usually, I'd rather be a silly boy with a horse and a stick....

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