365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Document / REM

I’m half way through the string of bad weekends. They began last Sunday. A very nice lady who comes into work invited me and my co-worker to a ‘ladies lunch.’ This is the second lunch invitation. The first was … interesting. She is a very, very nice lady… but we have nothing in common.

Well, actually, I suppose that’s not completely fair. We are both married and childless. Though different ages, relationships, views on the entire situation. We live in the same state, literally, not figuratively…. We both live in yellow houses. Yup that about covers it.

What I like most about this woman is she is bubbly and there is a certain amount of social censorship that she doesn’t have. So while she is up beat and kind of charming, she is saying things one really, probably shouldn’t be saying. She is not native to the U.S. so I’m not sure if there is a cultural thing that happens or a language thing? But I secretly found it hilarious the day she was talking to a three year old and his mother. She was asking the little boy things like, “do you like girls? Do you have a girl friend?”

The child was indignantly saying no, while his mother was looking embarrassed. Then this woman asks if the young man is going to get married someday, and “are you going to marry mummy?” Mom looked horrified. I’m sure the woman hadn’t meant it quite the way it sounded. The child answered with great disdain that of course not, it was his mother. Priceless.

Our other co worker finds these luncheons hilarious. She doesn’t get invited. She’s okay with that. Her notable moment for this woman is when the woman smiled down at a group of two – four year olds. “You are cute! You are cute” She started to say going through the group, until she hit one and without hesitation said, “You, you are not so cute, but you are cute and you are cute…”

So anyway, we went to lunch. The food was fine and I feel bad. I think this woman has no one else, but… I was bored out of my mind. It was painful. I was tired. It was a weekend. So not fair, it was MY weekend… But I got through.

This week, I worked Saturday. My sixth day in a row. Seven if you count the above luncheon. I worked with one of our new employees who means well. But…

She’s not fully trained. Worse, she has yet to learn things like: if you have a mom with two screaming kids, don’t try to be nice and go out of your way to help them and ask them questions and teach them: get them out!!! FAST! Worst, however, she doesn’t stop talking. Every thought that goes through her brain comes out her mouth.

I was so tired by the time I came home I was in tears. Today, my big day off and I go six more days in a row, again Sadly it’s all I can think about. I’m living for a week from today.

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