365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Monday, August 30, 2010

You Must, Must, Must see their DVD

Mostly Live / young@heart chorus

There are days, some times multiple days, that I must admit, my thoughts are so black, I dare not put them to paper. I don’t because, the last thing one needs on such days are well intentioned people, be them offering words meant to raise your spirits or worse, those thinking you might be a danger to yourself and others and coming to try to lock you up!

This is one of those days… though I’ve no great reasons for it. I mean, I DO have reasons, but they are not great. While I remind my self of all the ‘could be worses,’ it is a small consolation.  I know I posted earlier today - but I decided to count that as yesterday - it will at least keep my post numbers to daily - even though that's not technically accurate.  This is the form my ocd takes, so be it.

I went to the CD rack today, looking for ‘inspirational music’. Not the religious sort. That, for me, would definitely NOT be effective. But, it’s funny, that which inspires also tends to be a bit sad when such mood is present.

So, I chose the perfect selection: mostly live by the young @ heart chorus.

If you don’t know the young @ heart chorus, you must, MUST, MUST find the documentary dvd and see them. You can see a clip here: http://www.youngatheartchorus.net/

And see more here: http://www.youngatheartchorus.com/

They are a chorus from Northampton, MA. I don’t think any one is under age 68 some members well into their 80’s or 90’s. They sing rock. Not watered down, choral style Beatles. We’re talking rock – You Can’t Always Get What You Want, I wanna be Sedated, Schizophrenia, Walk on the Wild Side. I’ve seen them in concert, they are FANTASTIC.

It is inherently sad when you work with, follow or other wise get to know the elderly. The one thing that they have in common as a group, or all of us, for that matter, is they will and do die. This is sad. Heart wrenching for those of us left, but I would put to you that it is also necessary. Not only in the practical sense, imagine if we all lived forever? But necessary too for the cycle of all things. And I would ask, would you really want to live forever? I wouldn’t.

In the time that I have ‘known’ this chorus, there have been several members who have passed on, several others who’s health has deteriorated and I know that in all likelihood, none of these individuals will be with me until I am there age.

But when I see and listen to this group… that doesn’t matter. They can always make me smile through my tears and that is really the thing I think most important. They are living while they have the opportunity and pushing forward in the face of death. It doesn’t mean they don’t miss their colleagues or have any less respect, but is a tribute to there lives.

I have in my present mood, I’m sure, not done them justice. Just find the dvd, if you get the chance to see them live – do it!

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