365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Monday, August 30, 2010



I missed yesterday.  And it was a Sunday.  A day when I should have had time and abilities.  Apologies to any faithful readers. So in my defense, I offer up my creative outlet for yesterday as today’s post. Created without measurement and as an original, so it still needs some refinement, but…

Banana Curry Sauce

In a sauce pan, put a bit of olive oil (enough to roughly cover the bottom, but not enough to be greasy) put in some chopped onion and some garlic. (I used a half a yellow onion because it was what I had and two really large cloves of garlic, because we like garlic.) Sauté a few minutes then add two very ripe bananas (with brown spots so they’re kinda mushy to start) * At this stage, add curry.  I used about a teaspon and and half, to two.  Stir for a minute so it gets mixed.  Saute until the onions are translucent, then add apple juice – I didn’t measure this, but I’d say maybe a third to ¾ of a cup? Of course the more liquid the more sauce and the thinner the sauces. Simmer for a few minutes until every things is mushy. Blend in the blender until all is smooth, add salt and pepper to taste.

It is great with shrimp.  Of course I was making it to cover up chicken, and well to use up the dying bananas.

*Yes, the first time I posted this I forgot this part. Doh!

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