365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday, monday, can't trust that day

The Mamas and the Papas Greatest Hits

It’s funny how you just know a day is going to be “one of those.” The signs were all there this morning. It was rainy and grey when I awoke. And although, with the help of Tylenol PM I had slept like a rock and woke up rested, I didn’t want to get up this morning. It wasn’t so much I wanted to sleep, I just didn’t want to get up.

But of course I did. Moving slowly and without enthusiasm. M. didn’t want breakfast, at least not anywhere that I wanted and he too was moving slow, not feeling well, haunted by bad dreams and dreading the day. I made the executive decision to leave without him. Besides, today is L.’s last day and I wanted to stop and get her chocolate cake. I could make one stop rather than two. So, after readying and gathering lunch I headed out.

I was starved. I did stop for sandwich and cake, then stopped again for a doughnut, which I immediately felt guilty about after it was consumed. I hit the my corner, my one big turn on the way to work and thought something is wrong here. It took a moment to realize the traffic light wasn’t working. No cops though. That was odd. It was after I made the turn when I thought oh no…. no lights, no power…. This was not good.

Arriving at work, my assessment confirmed – no power. Have you ever noticed that as soon as the power goes out – this is when you automatically reach for the light switch and think of all the things you need to do, that of course, require electricity? With no power not only were my plans shot, but it inevitably means we will have computer problems all day. I was about to be annoyed when I realized, I was supposed to have a meeting that started five minutes before. Well, not that it mattered; I couldn’t do as I planned anyway, so I headed off to a meeting.

The has come back. The computer problems are abundant. Monday has begun.

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