365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Time Makes You Bolder

                                                            Between The Covers

You might have noticed I like covers. I know just enough about music to hear the arrangement differences and not have the foggiest clue how it’s done. So the magic is there. And if I like the song or the artist, then the cover really becomes interesting (like on this album’s Madonna singing American Pie or Tori Amos’s rendition of Smells Like Teen Sprit).

I also like that the proceeds of this album went to medical research. I’ve recently come to realize that I am an activist. I suppose for most people this would not be something that surprised them. They would have figured that out pretty consciously. But for me, it’s not something I ever conceptualized in that way. But this was about covers.

Covers to me are about taking that great idea, giving it a bit of a twist and making something new out of something old. (Recycling!)

I have, what I am sure would be a great Broadway hit idea. I have tried for years. I’m talking YEARS to write this bloody script, and as you can see here, I am writing about the idea – the script is not here. I can’t do it. Sigh. I’ve tried to get someone to write it with me, thinking that was the problem and yet… here we are. So…

I’ve held these cards close in fear of some one taking the idea; because I am that convinced it would work. But, I have decided to unveil it here, and if there is some one who can realize it – go for it. The idea deserves a life.

Project title: Chat

Picture a set – with the stage basically divided into four boxes, two floors – two boxes on each side. The horizontal divider (floor for the top/ceiling for the bottom) houses two LED screens, one on each half of the stage.

Upper floor stage right is a female apartment. Lower box stage left is a male apartment. Décor is optional aside from some kind of computer set up.

Lower stage left and upper stage right are open and shift-able for other locations.

The premise is that two characters meet online chatting. The LED shows what’s typed, which can vary from the comments made aloud. The non-home boxes would be the street, work place, etc. where the characters talk to others (who do not have to be actual cast members) but simply provide context, subtext etc.

The plot has lots of possibilities. The two could be old lovers/friends (e.g. Love Letters), they could be strangers (e.g. You’ve got mail) or a long term relationship (e.g. Same Time Next Year).

The distinction here is that the viewer / audience / voyeur can see the relationship unfold both as a the receiver and as the subject, since they get to “read” the chat and they get to hear / see the responses of the chatters.

I am convinced that the tech aspect along with the simplicity of set, etc. would be appealing. I am also convinced that the key to success is to take something already done, safe and lauded by critic and public and twist it enough such that it is not something wholly unique – that scares people, but is different enough to be, well, different.

Just one thing… when you’re accepting your Tony, I’ll know!

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