365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fandom, like love, cannot be easily explained

happy ending / Dogstar

For the last seven years, my first and quite dear to me rp character has had an autographed 8 X 10 of Dogstar and no one has commented on it.  Sadly, I do not have such an item.  I've never seen them in concert, though I would at the drop of a hat.

I thought about my album choice today. I didn’t want anyone to think I only listen to classic rock, though there is a fair amount of it. And I didn’t want to go with anything too strange…yet. Though there is some of that to come.

Then I saw this album. It is one of my favs. And not one too many have heard of. Not one that too many would probably pick up. One I would never have picked up, if …

Okay, this is a little embarrassing to admit to possible strangers, but since it's well know by anyone who knows me … here goes. I adore Keanu Reeves. I’ve been a most excellent fan since Ted, not Neo. ( Don’t worry, fan fiction is not about to follow. I violently don’t believe in such things.)

I have no illusions about my enthusiasm. I’ve read, listened to, and watched the interviews. Yeah, probably all of them, (I, am, a fan.) and I can say with 100% certainty that live and in person, I would not make it through an appetizer with the man. Sixty seconds to ponder the answer to a question? I don’t care if he talks about Eastern religion and Zen, etc. etc. etc. I don't care if he really IS enlightened. I don't care if he really is brilliant. I’d be so frustrated and bored out of my mind, looking at him would not make up for it.

And I’m not saying he’s the greatest actor, ever. He’s not. But I don’t think he’s that bad either. He needs at least a mediocre script, a reasonable director (and lots of screen time.)  Of course the chick flicks have been good, but I really prefer his testosterone movies (Point Break, Speed, Chain Reaction) and the obscure stuff (Scanner Darkly, Feeling Minnesota).

Okay, so mostly I like to look at him… and watch him run in that bow-legged way… I’m a fan.

So, when I found out he was in a band, it didn’t matter if it was screaming babies, I wanted the album. (And maybe y’all will be lucky and in these 365 we won’t get to the second album, which yes, I also own.)

Surprisingly, even to me, the album is pretty good.  Most of it original music to the band. Though they do cover an old Carpenter’s song! How can one not like that? It's good Grunge. They mumble a little, but the sound is okay. A little rough. A little broody. Lyrics about those that are a little troubled. Everything that makes me a fan.

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