365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pretending to be bankers

Get Close / Pretenders

I get my bank statement, which I balance immediately to the penny, and I note I have written a check for 65.08 to the town tax collector. There is a photo stat copy of the check in which the amount - in both places is very, very clear. Yet, my bank has deducted only 65.00.

Now, not that I mind making 8 cents, but this IS the tax collector and I do not want to pay 300.00 for an 8 cent deficit.  Not to mention the principle of the thing.  I screw up, the bank charges me a lot.
So I go into the bank, statement in hand.  I explain the problem, though it would seem to me to be obvious.  The woman, who's desk tells me she is the assistant manager blinks at me and finally says, so... what do you want us to do?
I blink at her.  Excuse me?
She then says, you want us to take the 8 cents from you account and give it to the tax collector?
Yes, I answser.  I wrote a check for the amount I want them to have, you didn't give it to them.
Oh.  She says and then tells me she has "to see."   I wait while she calls, she chats and then gets off the phone to tell me they can't do it.
What? I say.  Well, the 'mistake' is less than $25.00 so they won't fix it.  I am instantly upset. She suggests I can go to the tax collector and talk to them if I want.
I say, this is YOUR mistake.  She tells me if I don't want to go to the tax collector I could write them another check for .08.  I clarify - does she really mean to tell me that the bank screwed up and because they didn't screw up BIG enough, that I need to chase around and clean up THEIR mess?  Well... she says nothing, because, yes, that IS what she is saying.
I took my statement back and told her I'd be back to close out my accounts.  The matress is looking better all the time.

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