365 Muse

365 Muse : creative non fiction or fiction musings based on one musical album every day for a year. My muse. My musings. My eclectic music collection.
Welcome to my challenge.

Friday, January 7, 2011

People are strange

Greatest Hits : the doors

After a brief lecture about behaving appropriately and to pay attention to our chaperones, we were set loose in the park. In fact, the park, really wasn’t that big, but on a sunny day when everyone else was in school – it was the freedom of heaven.

Natural groups formed and although my clique had four or five girls, I basically hung around with only one: Chris. She was pretty much a wimp of a rider too, so we made our way first to things like the Merry-go-round and Bumper cars, while everyone else headed for the Ferris Wheel and the Roller Coasters. Eventually we made our way there too and through the ever cajoling factor of peer pressure, we rode.

Despite my fears before the ride, none of them were really that bad. I drew the line at the loop coaster, but Chris and I did sit and watch it for hours. We were about half way through the day when we noticed two of our male classmates following us.

Gordon and David. They were an odd couple. Another mismatched pair that were hanging out together by default as neither had anyone else to hang out with. David was new. He’d arrived maybe a month earlier and I had paid little attention. He was a round kid with glasses and that was where my knowledge stopped. Everyone knew Gordon though. We’d grown up with him since kindergarten and he stuck out like a sore thumb. He was a scrawny boy who looked several years younger than our age and he had the brightest red hair anyone had ever seen. When people teased him that he was some kind of imp or leprechaun it was perfectly believable with that hair, his pale skin and face full of freckles.

The boys giggled when we noticed them, gave them that face scrunched up, ‘oh pluuease’ look and walked on. They kept following us though.

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